Ecodesign Collection
Masks Love the Sea
Cardboard Xmas Collection
Lessmore Special Editions
Giorgio Caporaso
Circular Design Manifesto
Ecodesign Collection
Case History
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Press Releases
Fabbrica del Vapore
via Procaccini 4, Milano
15-21 Aprile 2024
“salotto” sostenibile
realizzato in collaborazione con PEFC Italia in legno certificato.
Glacier tour and partners
Showroom via Boccaccio 4, Milano
15-21 Aprile 2024
Art installation
Listone Giordano Arena
via Santa Cecilia 6, Milano
June 6-12 2022
The sustainable "living room" made of certified wood in collaboration with PEFC Italia
Spazio memoREbilia |
Corso Sempione 9, Milano
5 -10 September 2021
Works by designers Giorgio Caporaso (Lessmore), Angelo Tacchinardi, Stefano Epis and Nina Salsotto Cassina (Unurgent Argilla)
Showroom Design Italy
Via Vincenzo Monti 12, Milano
4-10 September 2021
Exhibition of Lessmore, OTQ Design, Cyrcus Design, DygoDesign and daily live events by artists and artisans
Innovation Garden & TEDxVarese
Varese 7-8-9 June 2019
The architect Giorgio Caporaso curated the green location so that ideas can spread in a natural environment.
DDN Phutura | Milano Design Week
April 9th - 14th 2019
Privitera Eventi serre La Fenice
Piazza del Castello | Milano
The Privitera spaces host the "circular" design by Giorgio Caporaso for Lessmore
Smart City: People, Technology and Materials
March 13th – April 14th 2019
Milano Design Week
Material ConneXion® Italia
Superstudio 13 - Via Bugatti, 9 - Via Forcella,13 Milano
Lessmore at Ecodom Consorzio – Stories of Circular Economy
Design No Brand | Milano Design Week
April 9th - 14th 2019
Spazio Reborn Ideas
Fabbrica del Vapore |
Via G.C. Procaccini 4
the new edition of X2Chair Easy born from the collaboration between Lessmore and Ecoalf
Lessmore at Coffee & The City
7-13 May 2018
PALAZZO BOVARA | corso Venezia, 51 | Milano
Altoga chose the furnishings of Lessmore's Ecodesign Collection and Parasacchi Home for Coffe & The City event
exhibitions & Awards
22 November 2019 - 12 January 2020
Casa Museo Boschi Di Stefano
via Giorgio Jan 15 | Milano
In exhibition: Oxlo, the ceramic designed by Giorgio Caporaso and Mara Giacomelli for the TOGETHER collection curated by Maria Cristina Hamel for Milano Makers ApS
Albo d’oro del design | 2009-2019
21 November 2019 | Palazzo Reale - Milano
Lessmore (with designer Giorgio Caporaso) has been included in the Gold Book of Design by grandesignEtico
Premiazione Top Design of the Year
22 Marzo 2018 - Milano
Giorgio Caporaso, si aggiudica il Premio Top Design of the Year per essersi distinto nell'arco degli anni 2016/2017, per qualità del design e tutela dei valori della sostenibilità
“La sedia” | 8 – 22 april 2017
Galleria Arteidea - Varese
Vernissage 8 aprile 11.00 AM
via Carlo Giuseppe Veratti, 28
Giorgio Caporaso is present with the EcoDesign Collection in the RED ROOM and with the installation site specific "Varese chair"
Cartasia 2016 | International Paper Festival
| Lucca 31 July - 10 September 2016
Lessmore at Lucca, the capital of Paper Art
CARTASIA TALKS | Paper REvolution
9 September Giorgio Caporaso: Cardboard & sustainable design
A'Design Award and Competition 2015-16
More Plus Desk with moss Table by Giorgio Caporaso has been acknowledged with the prestigious Bronze A' Design Award for Sustainable Products, Projects and Green Design Category
8th Annual International Design Awards (IDA)
Giorgio Caporaso was awarded:
Second Prize for the MORE_LIGHT, modular interior design system Project.
Third Prize for the TWIST CHAIR Project.
Giorgio Caporaso - DREAMS ON THE MOVE
The one thousand souls of ecodesign
5-27 April 2014
Villa Recalcati - Sede della Provincia di Varese - Varese Piazza Libertà 1
Lessmore al Pop Up Store Desig Italy
POP UP Store DesignItaly
Via Manzoni 16/A, Milano
25/11 - 23 12 2021
I prodotti Lessmore nel pop-up store di Natale di Design Italy.
Due piani di meravigliosi oggetti di design Italiano che ti stupiranno!
“Love the Sea” the Lessmore mask to protect yourself and help the sea!
Love the Sea is a washable and reusable mask in Carvico fabric and Jersey Lomellina made of ECONYL®, a 100% nylon thread regenerated from waste materials such as fishing nets.
Lessmore furniture for apartments with full respect for the environment
Lessmore furnishings were used in the sample apartments of a residential complex with high living comfort
FestivalFuturo 2018 | Ri-Generazioni
28 - 30 September 2018
28 September 2018 5.45pm
The devil wears sustainable clothes: fashion in the circular economy
Giorgio Caporaso talks about circular design
The Varese Red Chair lands at the airport
Arrivals Terminal 1 - Malpensa - 17 April 2018
The Varese Red Chair by Giorgio Caporaso for Lessmore "lands" at Malpensa in maxi format, made of wood by Faberlab Design, of which it is a symbol, with the companies Brusamolin Antonino and Gilegno
TEDxVareseSalon | 19 November 2017
| FAI – Villa Panza
Giorgio Caporaso was invited as a speaker of TEDxVareseSalon to bring his experience on the theme of beauty
Cardboard Story
Videos that tell stories of paper and cardboard products.
Giorgio Caporaso
explains how he designed the
Twist Chair
Cardboard story is a project realized by MATREC – Sustainable Materials & Trends for Comieco.
The Karine Arabian house invites furniture designer Giorgio Caporaso
Paris from 19 November 2014
Press Meeting November 27, 2014 16.00-18.00
A cocktail party will follow
Karine Arabian, 4 rue Papillon, 75009 Paris
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