designOFFsite: the contemporary design of the vessels "ToBe" in a nineteenth century building

designOFFsite 2015 by Misiad“designOFFsite” exhibition by MISIAD curated by Laura Agnoletto
at Biblioteca of SIAM,
via Santa Marta 18, (5VIE area)
14 - 19 April 2015
The galleries will be open from Tuesday the 14th until Friday the 18th from 10am until 8pm, Sunday the 19th from 11am until 7pm.
A special event will take place the 15th of April lasting until 10pm

The cardboard vessels TOBE will be guests in the library of the nineteenth-century that preserves a precious copy of the Encyclopedia of Diderot and D'Alembert

DesignOFFsite 2015: the Galleria dei Benefattori and the Biblioteca inside the SIAM -Società d'incoraggiamento d'Arti e Mestieri- building will be decorated with some “incursions” of contemporary design that will create a strong contrast with the architecture and decor of the hosting spaces.
The aim is to catch our viewer by surprise, leaving him off-guard and putting him in contact with a completely different reality to what he expected, and perhaps assumed, by doing so we bring our visitor to a closer reading of design objects, beyond their aesthetic and functional roles. 
DesignOFFsite it decontextualizes and transfigures reality.
DesignOFFsite is a collective exhibition with over thirty designers such as Alessandro Guerriero, Duilio Forte, Ludek Lancilotti, Basil Green Pencil, Giorgio Caporaso, Roberto Cambi, Giorgio Gurioli, Chiara Lampugnani, Controprogetto, Alessandro Mendini and many more.

Comunicato Stampa: LESSMORE al Fuorisalone 2015: sostenibilità a tutto colore!
Press Release: MISIAD presents MAD2015 and designOFFsite 2015

Milan Design Week 2015:

Sharing Design - Green Utopia
Fabbrica del Vapore
via G. Procaccini 4, Milano
14 April - 8 May 2015
tutti i giorni 11.00 - 24.00

Nhow hotel- via Tortona 35 – MILANO
13 - 19 April 2015

grandesignEtico 4 Food – Tracce di cibo
Spazio Oberdan | Foyer
Viale Vittorio Veneto 2
20124, Milano
11 – 19 Aprile 2015

Ingresso libero h. 10.00 – 19.30

Mostra “designOFFsite”
Presso palazzo del SIAM
Biblioteca e Galleria dei Benefattori
Via Santa Marta, 18 - Milano
14 -19 April 2015

Download Save the Date pdf

Il vaso in cartone e bioplastica ToBe di Giorgio Caporaso nella biblioteca del Siam
Il vaso in cartone e bioplastica ToBe di Giorgio Caporaso nella biblioteca del Siam
Il vaso in cartone e bioplastica ToBe di Giorgio Caporaso nella biblioteca del Siam
I vasi ToBe in cristallo, cartone e bioplastica  di Giorgio Caporaso a DesignOFFSite
Vaso ToBe in cristallo, cartone e bioplastica  di Giorgio Caporaso a DesignOFFSite
DesignOFFsite - MilanDesignWeek2015.
DesignOFFsite - MilanDesignWeek2015.

Organisation - Misiad Milano Si Autoproducedesign
instagram: MISIAD_